Date(s) - 09/03/17
3:45 pm - 7:45 pm
Timberland Unitarian Universalist Fellowship
4 PM Forum: “Agelesss Grace” Exercise lead by Lori Donnahoe
5:30 PM Service: Long Strange Trip: UU Film Series Part V-B: Evolution (1861 – 1961)
Edited by: Ron Cordes
In early July we watched the 1st half hour of Part V of the UU History series. Part V follows both Unitarianism and Universalism through the late 19th and early 20th centuries as they evolve from Christian bible-oriented religions to our present-day non-creedal movement. The first half discussed the diverse influences of the Civil War, Feminism and Suffrage, and the Social Gospel. It chronicled the roles of such actors as Mary Livermore, Julia Ward Howe, Henry Whitney Bellows, Antoinette Brown, Olympia Brown, Celia Burleigh, Jenkin Lloyd Jones, Mary White Ovington, John Haynes Holmes, and Clarence Skinner. The 2nd half hour will focus on the influence and culture changing impact the publishing of Darwin’s “On the Origin of Species” had upon the evolution (pun intended) of Unitarianism and Universalism.
[Note: Each of the six parts are 60 minutes long. We will view approximately 30 minutes of each part, one Sunday per month, until completed.]