SUNDAY June 16, 2019 TED Talk

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Date(s) - 06/16/19
4:00 pm - 7:30 pm

Timberland Unitarian Universalist Fellowship


4 PM Forum:

“HOW TO OVERCOME OUR BIASES? Walk boldly toward them.” TED Talk by Vernā Myers TEDx Beacon Street, Nov 2014
Our biases can be dangerous, even deadly — as we’ve seen in the cases of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri, and Eric Garner, in Staten Island, New York. Diversity advocate Vernā Myers looks closely at some of the subconscious attitudes we hold toward out-groups. She makes a plea to all people: Acknowledge your biases. Then move toward, not away from, the groups that make you uncomfortable. Myers encourages us to recognize our own biases in order to actively combat them, emphasizing a “low guilt, high responsibility” philosophy. In her work she points to her own inner biases, because, as she says, “People relax when they know the diversity lady has her own issues.” In a funny, impassioned, important talk, she shows us how.

Vernā Myers is a diversity consultant and self-described “recovering lawyer” with a degree from Harvard Law. She is dedicated to promoting meaningful, lasting diversity in the workplace and.leads the Vernā Myers Consulting Group, an organization that has helped break down barriers of race, gender, ethnicity and sexual orientation in thousand-member workplaces. She is also the author of Moving Diversity Forward: How to Go from Well-Meaning to Well-Doing.

5:30 PM Service:


TED Talk by Sally Kohn at TEDWomen 2017 Nov 2017
We’re all against hate, right? We agree it’s a problem — their problem, not our problem, that is. But as Sally Kohn discovered, we all hate — some of us in subtle ways, others in obvious ones. As she confronts a hard story from her own life, she shares ideas on how we can recognize, challenge and heal from hatred in our institutions and in ourselves.
Sally Kohn has a powerful vision for a more united, United States. She searches for common ground among political foes by focusing on the compassion and humanity in everyone. Kohn is a columnist and a political commentator for CNN, and has appeared on Fox, MSNBC and has written for The Daily Beast, Salon, The Atlantic and TIME Magazine. She is working on a book about hate that will be published in the spring of 2018. As a former contributor to Fox News, this progressive lesbian sparred with some of the most conservative minds on television and has sifted through hundreds of letters of hate mail a day. But she deeply believes in finding our common humanity, political differences aside. Before we can achieve political correctness, we must first establish emotional correctness — and this will ignite conversations that lead to real change.

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