APRIL 2017 Climate Justice Month

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Date(s) - 04/01/17 - 04/30/17
12:00 am


UU Bulletin
A monthly newsletter from the Unitarian Universalist Association to keep you and your congregation informed.
Take Action for Climate Justice


Unitarian Universalists and other people of faith and conscience are taking collective action for Climate Justice Month, occurring from World Water Day (March 22) through Earth Day (April 22), plus a bonus week of action. “Climate justice is a global fight to dismantle the paradigm that disadvantages marginalized people and approaches Earth as supply source and sewer rather than a system of interdependent life – a single, beloved community.” – Commit2Respond. Check out the toolkit and weekly resources and readings from Commit2Respond. Learn how Unitarian Universalists and the UUA have committed to the People’s Climate Movement and the March for Climate, Justice, and Jobs, to be held April 29 in Washington, D.C., on our website.

New from Skinner House
A period of interim ministry poses unique challenges and opportunities for both congregations and ministers. In the Interim: Strategies for Interim Ministers and Congregations, 2nd Edition, by Barbara Child and Keith Kron, provides a road map for a transformative and fulfilling interim period.First published in 2013, In the Interim quickly became an indispensable resource for congregations. The second edition retains all the practical strategies and keen insights of the original while also examining how interim ministry is adapting to a rapidly changing world. The volume includes updates on the advent of developmental and “jump start” transition ministries. Order today from inSpirit: The UU Book and Gift Shop.
Double Your Gifts to the UUA!

This spring, the Unitarian Universalist Veatch Program at Shelter Rock will double the gifts made by contributors to Friends of the UUA. This matching gift challenge means that every donation up to a total of $100,000 will be worth twice as much. Don’t miss this opportunity to make a doubly generous gift online or by calling 888-792-5885. Checks may also be sent c/o Friends of the UUA to P.O. 843150, Boston, MA 02284 by June 30. Thank you to the UU Veatch Program at Shelter Rock, and thank you for your generosity!

Support Families in Detention Centers

Do you, or does someone you know, speak Spanish fluently or have legal expertise? The Refugee and Immigrant Center for Education and Legal Services(RAICES) in San Antonio, Texas, has an urgent need for volunteers to support families as they apply for asylum in the U.S. Most refugees who receive legal advice and representation are approved to pursue asylum, but the need is so high that many families are not represented. The UU College of Social Justice (UUCSJ) needs your help to translate stories and share legal advice to support these families fleeing violence and seeking asylum.  Volunteers are needed for placements beginning May 7, June 4, July 9, and August 6. All volunteers must commit to working for a minimum of one week, but have the option to stay longer. For more information or to sign up, visit the UUCSJ website.

Pamphlets for your Congregation

The UUA has designed new pamphlets for your outreach needs:

  • UU Kids Say Church Is includes writings and drawings that illustrate children’s relationships to their Unitarian Universalist spiritual homes. Resources and reflective questions are included. 
  • The Faith of Unitarian Universalist Christians offers reflections from UU Christians on their unique position within Unitarian Universalism and the diversity of spiritual practices and worship cultures across their community. 
  • Making a Home in Unitarian Universalism invites you to deepen your connection to your faith community with this collection of suggestions and ideas.

Order these and other pamphlets today from inSpirit: The UU Book and Gift Shop.

Tune in to the VUU: A UU Talk Show

The VUU is a live Unitarian Universalist talk show hosted by the Church of the Larger Fellowship. Each week brings a spirited conversation with community organizers, UU and multi-faith leaders, and other guests. Topics include current events, social justice issues, religion, spirituality, faith, Unitarian Universalism, and more. Subscribe to the podcast or join in online Thursdays at 11 a.m. EST.

UU Musicians Network Conference

The annual UU Musicians Network Conference will be held July 26 – 30 in Arlington, VA. This year’s Professional Development Day program, “UU History, Theology – and Race,” will be presented by the Rev. Natalie Fenimore. The program is open to all and will explore Unitarian Universalism’s long and complex history and relationship with issues of race and class. Religious professionals, including music leaders, support congregations as they try to engage with issues of racial justice and equity. Religious professionals are also essential to welcoming those of all races into UU communities. The presentation seeks to assist the music leader in gaining information about UU history and theology so as to be better equipped to be a resource for the work for racial justice. Learn more and registeron the UUMN website.

What Does Innovation Look Like in UU Religious Education?

Join a one-hour webinar in April to hear from today’s faith development innovators working in UU congregations. A year ago, the UUA’s Faith Development Office brought together UU leaders for a roundtable discussion of creativity and innovation in religious education and faith development. Participants described a wide variety of initiatives in youth ministry, family engagement, social justice work, and other areas that support faith development in new ways. The April webinar will provide a recap from the 2016 Roundtable and explore new ways of growing together in faith with religious educators Tracy Beck and Joy Berry. Webinar host Jessica York, UUA Faith Development director, will explain how to apply for a small seed grant to fund your innovative project. Register online for Tuesday, April 18 at 1 p.m. EST or  Wednesday, April 19 at 9 p.m. EST.

Professional Development for Religious Educators

Summer is a great time for professional development! Renaissance modules are continuing education opportunities open to all religious professionals and lay leaders interested in religious education topics. Staff teams are strongly encouraged to attend together. This summer’s opportunities include:

  • Multicultural RE module led by Janice Marie Johnson and Cindy Beal at Ferry Beach, ME, July 8 -14
  • UU Theology hybrid module led by Pat Infante and Rev. Lisa Bovee Kemper at The Mountain, NC, July 9 – 14
  • Worship module led by Jessica York and Rev. Daniel Gregoire at Star Island, ME, July 15 – 22 
  • UU Identity online module led by Pat Infante and Linnea Nelson, July 17, 19, 24, 26, 31
  • UU Identity hybrid module led by Sara Lewis and Emmie Schlobohm, Pacific Northwest LREDA retreat, July 31
  • Philosophy of Religious Education led by Pat Infante and Cindy Beal at Ocean Grove, NJ, August 14 – 18
  • Family Ministry training led by Rev. Jude Geiger and Starr Austin at Ocean Grove, NJ, August 14 – 18
Check out the full schedule and register through the UUA calendar for religious educators.

The work of the Unitarian Universalist Association is made possible by the generosity
of member congregations and individual donors.
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