Author: Thomas Ward

Service Opportunities

TUUF Service Opportunities include: Collection of supplies for homeless (House of  Compassion)HOST Mentoring Program at Brandon Elementary (Begins in the fall).           Contact Sheila Skelton at 936-633-7629CISC   (Christian Information & Services) Food Bank 936-634-2857

Volunteer opportunities

Collection of supplies for homeless (House of  Compassion)  (flashlights, hand sanitizers, lip balm, toothpaste & tooth brushes, combs, shampoo, gloves, socks, thermos, nail clippers, sleeping bags) We are staging some of these things at the fellowship building. HOST Mentoring Program at Brandon Elementary (Begins in the fall).            Contact Sheila Skelton … Continue reading Volunteer opportunities


Dear  Susan, Sanctuary. Accompaniment. Visitation. These are powerful tools for combating the criminalization of our communities; they provide support to individuals who are being criminalized by policies and practices that target them for who they are, not what they do. How can we be bold and courageous to meet the call of this moment? How … Continue reading LOVE RESISTS